Data Axle Platform

Directly access data and services through our developer platform.

Places Database

  • 20M Places
  • 200M Contacts
  • 450 Attributes

People Database

  • 300M People
  • 500M Emails
  • 312 Attributes

B2C Links Database

  • 80M B2C Links
  • 130M Business Emails
  • 448 Attributes

UI Access

Search API

Places People B2C Links

Find relevant results in real-time. Search with a fuzzy match, scope by geolocation boundaries, and filter across any attribute.

Scan API

Places People B2C Links

Pull lists of thousands of records on-demand. Filter and select by any field in the database. Pay-as-you-go based on number of records requested.

Insights API

Places People B2C Links

Run tallies, discover fill rates, and calculate statistics. Pull insights across the Places and People databases or focus on specific data elements. Every field can be analyzed and aggregated in real-time.

Match API

Places People

Submit partial information about an entity and receive the best match from Data Axle’s database. Proprietary algorithms return the best match with clean attributes.

Submission API


Share your feedback about the business database with comments, suggested changes, and new records. Data Axle’s human intelligence team reviews submissions, and outcomes are returned in real-time.

Changes API


Subscribe to real-time changes across the business database. Target changes to specific firmographics or listen to all transactions within your universe of records.

File Delivery API

Places People B2C Links

Automate the detection and download of scheduled file deliveries. Retrieve detailed information on file locations, sizes, and time of delivery.