Data Dictionary - Data Axle

Data Dictionary

Places People B2C Links
452 records

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Name Description
The medical professional or office is accepting new patients.
An additional phone number for the place.
The date when the business changed location.
The type of address for the location.
A list of organizations the place is affiliated with.
The total number of Affiliation IDs associated with the place.
An additional business name or DBA for the place.
Information on whether the physician is board certified.
The hospital the physician is associated with.
The physician's medical license number.
The medical school the physician attended.
The physician's National Provider Identifier.
The physician's primary medical specialty.
The physician's secondary medical specialty.
The hospital where the physician completed their residency.
The state where the physician's medical license was issued.
The full list of all ancestors in the corporate family.
The total number of Ancestor Headquarters associated with the place.
The case number associated with the bankruptcy.
The date and time the current bankruptcy detail was created.
The debtor is trying to dismiss the case.
The date the public record was first filed.
The type of bankruptcy filing.
The date the bankruptcy public record was released.
Total number of bankruptcies associated with the place.
The date and time the current bankruptcy detail was created.
The debtor is trying to dismiss the case.
The date the public record was first filed.
The type of bankruptcy filing.
The unique ID for the Bankruptcy detail.
Information on whether there are multiple defendants for the bankruptcy.
The date the bankruptcy public record was released.
Information on whether the place is accredited by the Better Business Bureau.
The link to the Better Business Bureau review.
Number of active participants at the beginning of the plan year.
Number of active participants at the end of the plan year.
Benefit arrangements for the plan.
The total number of benefit arrangements on the plan.
City of the agent or broker.
Name of the agent or broker to whom commissions/fees are paid.
Postal code of the agent or broker.
State of the agent or broker.
Address of the agent or broker.
Name of the insurance carrier.
Contract number of the plan.
The date and time the current benefit plan detail was created.
Effective date of the plan.
Funding arrangements for the plan.
The total number of funding arrangements on the plan.
The unique ID for the benefit plan.
Name of the benefit plan.
Indicates the short form for small businesses.
Beginning and end dates of the plan year.
Total number of participants at the beginning of the plan year.
Types of welfare benefits of the plan.
The total number of types of welfare benefits on the plan.
Total number of benefit plans associated with the place.
The link to the place's website to make a reservation or schedule an appointment.
The number of branches reporting to a headquarter record.
A list of brands sold by the business.
The total number of Brands associated with the place.
A unique ID assigned to a group of places in the same building.
The date and time the record was last updated by a Local Listings Premium submission.
The specific types of business within a particular industry.
The total number of Business Types associated with the place.
The make of car that a car dealer sells.
The total number of Vehicle and Equipment Makes associated with the place.
The carrier route for the location address as assigned by the USPS.
The core based statistical area where the place is located.
Information on whether the CBSA is a micropolitan or metropolitan area.
The census block group of the location as defined by the US Census Bureau.
The census tract of the location as defined by the US Census Bureau.
The corporate chain for branch locations.
The Central Index Key (CIK) assigned to the corporation for filing with the SEC.
The city name for the location.
Indicates whether the location is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency.
The description of the business.
The date and time the contact detail was created.
The email address of the contact.
The deliverability status of the email address.
Indicates if the email address is deployable.
The marketable status of the email address.
MD5 encrypted hash of the email address.
The likelihood of reputation risk in marketing campaigns.
SHA-256 encrypted hash of the email address.
The first name of the individual.
The gender of the individual.
The unique ID for the contact.
Describes the type of work an employee performs in their organization.
Descriptive label of the individual's job
The total number of Job Titles associated with the contact.
The last name of the individual.
Describes the contact's position relative to others in their organization.
An identifier to map the individual to entries delivered by other Data Axle products.
Information on whether the individual is the primary contact for the location.
The professional degree or title of the individual.
The fields on the individual that are suppressed.
The total number of Suppressed Fields associated with the contact.
A list of the individual's job titles.
The total number of Title Codes associated with the individual.
The number of contacts on the business record.
The actual, reported total number of employees at all locations in a corporate family.
Determine if the corporation includes franchised branches.
The actual, reported sales revenue for the corporate family.
The country code of the location.
The 3-digit county code based on the place's location ZIP code.
The date and time when the place record was created.
The date and time the current credit detail was created.
An estimation of a Place's creditworthiness in letter grade format.
The recommended credit limit based on an estimation of the Place's credit worthiness.
An estimation of a Place's creditworthiness in a numeric score format.
Indicates whether a business's credit score is rising, steady, or decreasing.
The intersection or cross street address of the location.
The combined statistical area code where the place is located.
The type of cuisine served at the place.
The total number of Cuisines associated with the place.
The bar code for the postal route, assigned to the physical address.
The rank of the county based on total number of families.
The designated market area of the location.
A geographic area based on designated market areas.
Details about the place's dress code.
The ID of the valid record that this place is a duplicate of.
The employer identification number (EIN) of the business.
The total number of EINs associated with the place.
Information on whether equipment rentals are available.
Estimates the total number of employees at all locations in a corporate family.
Estimates total sales revenue for the corporate family.
Estimates the number of vehicles owned or used by the location.
Estimates the number of employees who work at this location.
An estimation of the place's sales revenue.
Estimates when the place opened for business.
Estimates whether a business owns or rents the business property
Estimates the total cost of accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services purchased from other c...
An estimate of the cost of purchased advertising and promotional services.
An estimate of the cost of charitable contributions.
An estimate of the cost of payments to other companies for the contractual use of their employees.
Information on whether the expense models are based on the corporation or location.
The date and time the current expense(s) detail was created.
An estimate of the cost of payments made on insurance policies.
An estimate of the cost of legal services purchased from other firms.
An estimate of the cost of license fees.
An estimate of the cost of maintenance services.
An estimate of the cost of supplies, materials and parts purchased for a Place's own use.
An estimate of the cost of packaging and shipping supplies.
An estimate of the cost of gross earnings of all employees for the calendar year.
An estimate of the cost of purchased or contracted printing services.
An estimate of the cost of management, consulting, administrative, and other professional service...
An estimate of the cost of payments made to other companies for the rental or leasing.
An estimate of the cost of technology supplies, materials, and development.
An estimate of the cost for communication services purchased from other companies.
An estimate of the cost of purchased or contracted transportation services.
An estimate of the cost of electricity and fuels for heating, power, or generation of electricity.
The date and time when the record was last updated by a Local Listings submission.
The link to the place on Facebook.
The fax number for the place.
Indicates the Place is a contractor for the Federal government.
The unique identifier for counties based on the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS).
The month the place's fiscal year ends.
The place is owned by a corporation outside the US or Canada.
The place's ranking on the Fortune Magazine Top 1000 list.
The link to the place on Foursquare.
The precision level of the latitude and longitude.
Latitude and longitude of the place.
The propensity for the business to be a green adopter.
Information on whether the business is growing or shrinking a significant percentage.
The date and time the current happy hour detail was created.
The days when Happy Hour is offered.
The total number of days associated with the Happy Hours.
The Happy Hour description.
The Happy Hour ending time.
The unique ID for the Happy Hour.
Information on whether the Happy Hour has special activities.
Information on whether the Happy Hour has drink specials.
Information on whether the Happy Hour has food specials.
Information on whether the Happy Hour has additional specials.
The Happy Hour start time.
The number of Happy Hour records on the place.
The business is exchanging goods and services over the internet
The direct headquarters of this place in its corporate family.
Previously used names for the business.
The total number of Historical Names associated with the place.
The hospital has an emergency room.
The hotel has Cable TV.
The hotel offers continental breakfast.
The date and time the current hotel detail was created.
The hotel has an elevator.
The hotel has an exercise facility.
The hotel has guest laundry services.
The hotel has a hot tub.
The hotel has an indoor pool.
The hotel has guest kitchens.
The hotel has an outdoor pool.
The hotel allows pets.
The hotel offers room service.
An ID used to view and retrieve the image.
The full link to view and retrieve the image.
The date and time the current images detail was created.
The unique ID for the Image detail.
Information on whether the Image is the primary image for the place.
The number of Images on the place record.
The operational status of the business.
The date and time when the in business status was made.
The date the business was determined to be in business.
The research performed to determine the in business status.
The unique identifier for a Place.
The link to the place on Instagram.
The types of insurances accepted by the business.
The total number of insurances accepted by the place.
The name of the complex, building, or mall where the place resides.
The languages spoken at the place.
The total number of languages spoken at the place.
The latitude of the place.
The legal name of the Place.
The legal names of the Place.
Total number of legal names at a place
The link to the place on LinkedIn.
The date and time when the record was last updated by a Local Listings submission.
The date and time the record was last updated by a Local Listings Premium submission.
The assessor's parcel number is a unique ID for the real estate property.
The total appraised value of the parcel.
The total assessed value of the parcel.
The total number of buildings on the parcel.
The size of the building in square feet.
A tax exemption based on the owner being mentally or physically disabled.
The total land mass in square feet.
The year of last assessment of property by the county.
The total market value of the parcel provided by the county or local taxing or assessment authority.
The original year the building was constructed.
The business at the location owns the location.
The name of the business that owns the location.
The date the sales transaction was recorded at the county.
The price of the sale on the recorded sales transaction.
The seller's name as it appears on the recorded sales transaction
A tax exemption based on the owner serving in the military.
The general contact email for the place.
The number of employees who work at this place.
An estimation of how likely the potential buyer is to make a purchase.
The subjects the buyer is interested in.
The total number of Location Intents associated with the place.
A unique ID assigned to a group of places at the same location.
The primary business at a location with multiple places.
The relationship to the primary business at a location.
The number of places at a location.
The number of professionals at a location.
The number of verified places at a location.
The primary business at a location with multiple places.
The relationship to the primary business at a location
The number of professionals practicing at the place.
An estimation of the place's sales revenue.
The link to the place's logo image.
The longitude of the place.
The PO Box or RR Box of the place.
The carrier route for the mailing address as assigned by the USPS.
The town or municipality where the place receives mail.
Information on whether the mailing address listed for the place is a Commercial Mail Receiving Ag...
The bar code for the postal route, assigned to the mailing address.
The postal code for the mailing address.
The deliverability score of the mailing address.
The state or province of the mailing address.
The type of mailing address for the business.
The 5-digit ZIP code for the mailing address.
The 4-digit ZIP extension for the mailing address.
The deliverability score of the location address.
Pinpointed latitude and longitude for the physical building.
Information on whether the place accepts Medicaid.
The physician's DEA number.
Information on whether the place accepts Medicare.
The lines of business represented by North American Industry Classification System codes.
The total number of NAICS Codes associated with the place.
The place's common, recognized name, or "doing business as" name.
Date when place registered as a business.
The type of business registration filing.
The neighborhood of the location.
The number of places at a multi-tenant location.
The date when the place opened for business.
The date and time the current operating hours detail was created.
The days that have operating hours.
The total number of days associated with the Operating Hours.
The time the place closes.
The unique ID for the Operating Hours detail.
The time the place opens.
The number of Operating Hours at the place.
A description of the Operating Hours at the Place.
The operational status of the place.
Date the place went out of business.
Information on whether the business is owned by a female.
Information on whether the business is owned by a minority.
Information on whether the business is owned by a veteran.
The date when ownership of the place changed.
Bike lockers are available.
A bike rack is available.
The date and time the current parking detail was created.
The number of electric charging ports at the location.
Information on whether parking is free.
The number of parking spaces available.
The place has on-site parking.
Overnight parking is available.
A parking permit is required.
Information on whether public parking is available.
Transit lines that run to and from the Place.
The place offers valet parking.
House number of the parsed address
Post directional of the parsed address
Pre directional of the parsed address
Address without unit type and number
Street name of the parsed address
Street suffix of the parsed address
Unit number of the parsed address
Unit type and number of the parsed address
The types of payments accepted at the location.
The total number of Payment Types accepted by the place.
The telephone number for the place.
The result of the latest teleresearch call.
The physician's year of birth.
The year the physician graduated from medical school.
The link to the place on Pinterest.
The type of place within a corporation.
The population size of the city by ZIP code.
The actual population density of the city.
The postal code for the location address.
The price range for products and services sold at the place.
The date and time the contact detail was created.
The email address of the contact.
The deliverability status of the email address.
Indicates if the email address is deployable.
The marketable status of the email address.
MD5 encrypted hash of the email address.
The likelihood of reputation risk in marketing campaigns.
SHA-256 encrypted hash of the email address.
The first name of the individual.
The gender of the individual.
The unique ID for the contact.
Describes the type of work an employee performs in their organization.
Descriptive label of the individual's job
The total number of Job Titles associated with the contact.
The last name of the individual.
Describes the contact's position relative to others in their organization.
An identifier to map the individual to entries delivered by other Data Axle products.
Information on whether the individual is the primary contact for the location.
The professional degree or title of the individual.
The fields on the individual that are suppressed.
The total number of Suppressed Fields associated with the contact.
A list of the individual's job titles.
The total number of Title Codes associated with the individual.
The primary line of business represented by a North American Industry Classification System code.
The primary line of business represented by a Standard Industrial Classification code.
The date and time the current professional detail was created.
The year the professional graduated with an advanced degree.
The unique ID for the professional detail.
The professional's license number.
The specialty within professional lines of business.
Total number of specialties associated with the professional.
The state where the professional's license was issued.
The professional's year of birth.
The specialty within professional lines of business.
The total number of Professional Specialties associated with the place.
The provider is accepting new patients.
The hospital the provider is associated with.
Information on whether the provider is board certified.
The date and time the current provider detail was created.
The provider's DEA number.
The unique ID for the provider detail.
The medical school the provider attended.
The provider's National Provider Identifier.
The year the provider graduated from their residency program.
The hospital where the provider completed their residency.
Indicates whether the place is publicly accessible.
The religious denomination of the church or other house of worship.
The total number of Religious Denominations associated with the place.
The year the physician graduated from their residency program.
The date and time the current restaurant detail was created.
The type of cuisine served at the place.
The total number of Cuisines associated with the restaurant.
Indicates the restaurant service offering of the place.
The restaurant has reservations.
The restaurant has takeout.
The date and time the current service area detail was created.
The list of postal codes making up the service area of the place.
The total number of Postal Codes associated with the service area.
The types of services offered at the place.
The unique identifier for counties based on the Standard Geographical Classification (SGC).
The location has an ATM.
The lines of business represented by Standard Industrial Classification codes.
The total number of SIC Codes associated with the place.
The link to the place on SinglePlatform.
An estimate of the space the place occupies.
The state or province of the place.
The Stock Exchange where the corporation conducts trading activity.
The abbreviation used to identify the company on a stock market.
ID assigned to identify a location within a corporation.
The location address of the place.
The unit or apartment number.
The place is suppressed from customer feeds.
The list of fields that are suppressed from display.
The total number of Suppressed Fields associated with the place.
The size of ad as it appears in phone directories.
The date and time the tag was created.
The unique ID for the Tag.
The NAICS code for the tag.
This is the primary category of the place.
The SIC code for the tag.
The phone directory category where the place is advertised.
The Yellow Pages Publishers Association number of the sourced phone directory.
The number of tags associated with the place.
The date and time the tax ids detail was created.
The employer identification number (EIN) of the business.
Unique ID for the Tax IDs detail.
The vendor that owns the Tax ID data.
The number of tax ids on the business record.
The day and time when the place was last called.
Indicates whether place is located in a territory.
The link to the place on Tiktok.
The toll-free phone number for the place.
The link to the place on Tumblr.
The link to the place on Twitter.
ID of the UCC filing amendment.
Types of collateral named in the UCC filing, such as real estate or vehicles.
Total number of collateral types on a Place.
The date and time the current UCC filing detail was created.
Date the UCC filing expires.
Date the UCC listing was filed by the state.
ID assigned to the UCC filing by the state.
Information on whether the UCC is an original filing or an amended filing.
The unique ID for the UCC detail.
An ID that is assigned internally to relate the tables in the UCC filing database.
State where the UCC listing is filed.
City of the secured party on the UCC filing.
An internal key for uniquely identifying the secured party on the UCC filing.
Name of the secured party on the UCC filing.
Postal code of the secured party on the UCC filing.
State of the secured party on the UCC filing.
Address of the secured party on the UCC filing.
Information on whether the UCC filing is active, lapsed, terminated, or revoked.
Total number of UCC filings on a Place.
The top-level headquarters of a corporate family.
The unique identifier for a place doing business with the U.S. government.
The date and time when the place was last updated.
The physician's Unique Physician Identification Number (UPIN).
The date the business was most recently verified.
An estimation on whether the place is located in a wealthy area.
The primary homepage URL of the business.
Keywords from company website HTML.
The total number of Website Keywords associated with the place.
An estimation of white collar workers at the place.
The place is a work at home business.
The link to the place on Yelp.
The link to the place's YouTube channel or company video.
The 5-digit ZIP Code for the place.
The zip+4 code for the place.